Must be technologically proficient - 2 full weekends (+Fridays) of fast-paced, online learning
Bulk of training on weekends
Intensive & demanding
Independent study & homework requirements throughout training period
6+ hrs of instructional videos
18 hrs of live, interactive class time
6 hrs of session demonstrations conducted by classmates
85 mins of one-on-one instructor direction on conducting a session
Recurrent small study groups
Requires self-motivation & discipline
Digital copy of manual
The premise of the Biofield Anatomy
The theory behind Biofield Tuning
Holding and activating tuning forks
Sensing into and working with resistance and distortion in the biofield
How to conduct a basic Biofield Tuning session
Centering, grounding and breathing to maintain neutrality
And more
This course is a prerequisite for our Practitioner Training Certification Program. When taken as a stand alone course, it does not qualify for you to practice Biofield Tuning as a paid, Certified Practitioner.
If you would like to move on to Practitioner Training you must:
Complete 20 documented practice sessions
Receive three in-person or distance sessions from a Certified Practitioner. (This does not include Group Audio Sessions)