the magic of malvern, england


Eileen was invited to be the keynote speaker at the Sound Healing Conference in Malvern, England in November of 2018. Eileen asked me to come with her and I excitedly agreed. Neither of us had been to Malvern before and the idea of exploring it together delighted both of us.

The Sound Healing Conference is put on by the College of Sound Healing run by Simon Heather. It boasts sound healers of all backgrounds from gongs, sacred voice, drums, and bowls both crystal and Tibetan. Eileen’s keynote speech at the end of the conference was a huge hit & we were so grateful to connect with and expand our Sound Healing family!

One day out for lunch we found a local crystal shop called Aquarius.


Synchronistically for us, Eileen, the owner of Aquarius & I bonded instantly and she informed us that there was a ley line or "dragon line" that ran straight through the Malvern Hills of Outstanding Beauty, through her shop and into the city. A ley line, or dragon line, or song line, is a concentrated line of earth’s geomagnetic and electromagnetic forces.

The Malvern Hills of Outstanding beauty have two major hills that make a heart shape; so the ley line runs through the middle of where the two hills meet. The owner of Aquarius informed us that she takes care of the ley line by playing crystal bowls every day before she leaves the shop. Eileen and I decided that we would help her tend to the ley line while we were there with our tuning forks.

We found a spot next to the river that runs through Malvern and sat and tuned the ley line with our different forks and a strong intention to be of benefit. We knew we were done when all of the birds in the river abruptly all flew away about 30 minutes into our tune!

jessica luibrand unicorn

Malvern, although mildly unknown globally, is famous for some fascinating things! The Malvern Hills of Outstanding Beauty (MHOB) sits right behind Malvern and it is truly stunning.

There is a pub in town called “The Unicorn” and it is where CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien would meet TOGETHER & it is suspected in some circles that both Middle Earth and Narnia’s landscapes were inspired by MHOB. If you know me personally and know how much I love both unicorns and the novels by JRR Tolkien you can imagine my extreme excitement & happiness to discover all of this thanks to the locals!


The Hills are also the location of the famous 1800s Water Cure. The Well is still in operation in the hills and the plaque reads:

“Drink of this Crystal Fountain and praise the loving lord who from the rocky mountain this living stream out-poured; fit emblem of the holy fount that flows from god’s eternal mount.”

The water cure drew famous doctors and celebrities alike to the area including Florence Nightingale, Charles Dickens & Charles Darwin.

Eileen and I hiked into the Malvern Hills of Outstanding Beauty several times. We discovered the lampposts made famous by “The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe.” While we were hiking up the steep hill we could see how Middle Earth & Narnia had been birthed from the scenery; it was otherwordly and magickal.

We also made sure to hike all the way to the top of the MHOB to take in the views of the English countryside.


Eileen and I loved Malvern so much and since 2018 I have returned to Malvern several times as the International Class Coordinator and Teacher and established Malvern as one of our permanent places for our International Biofield Tuning classes.





Biofield Tuning visits the Integratron