Faraday Cage Experiments at the California Institute for Human Science

Eileen McKusick teamed up with me when I was working at a Subtle Energy Laboratory in San Diego, California around June of 2015. We had met a year prior at the Annual Subtle Energy Conference located on the campus of the California Institute for Human Science (CIHS) in May of 2014.

jessica luibrand eileen mckusick

During this conference I was performing Electrophotonic Imaging of the finger tips based on the Korean Su Jok hand acupuncture system with one of my Subtle Energy (SE) measuring devices. While I was running my device, I heard Eileen speak on plasma and Biofield Tuning; I was immediately drawn to her charisma, knowledge and down-to-earth nature. We spoke after the conference and became instant friends.

I gave Eileen a tour of the Subtle Energy Laboratory and all of the different devices between the Lab and CIHS's lab. Eileen wanted to do some research regarding her Biofield Tuning sessions; specifically her group distance sessions.

jessica luibrand eileen mckusick cihs faraday cage

She noticed when she did group distance sessions there would be noticeable temperature variations within the room. Also, people gave her feedback about how it felt that she was in the actual room with them, even if they were miles away! So we put our research hats on and decided to run an experiment in the Faraday cage we had on campus; CIHS's Faraday cage is a special copper-shielded enclosure created to block Electromagnetic waves from entering.

We had Eileen enter the Faraday cage and use a glass of water as the hologram of the people she was going to tune. We were measuring and quantifying any emittance of biophotons (light particles emitted by a biological organism) from the glass of water with the BioPhoton Counter. While we were waiting, Eileen also began to tune herself in preparation and also as a test run to make sure she could tune in a completely dark, microwave free, completely isolated chamber all the while being grounded.


  • From Eileen McKusick: “As a control, I decided to first do a session on my own hologram to try out the Faraday cage before I did a session for 300 people. I was working on myself and I hit an obstacle around self-love on the right side of my heart, in an area corresponding to a trauma I experienced between the ages of three and four. In that moment of encountering a painful aspect of this wound that I had never encountered before, I realized that I was being witnessed. I felt that I was being witnessed by the universe, nature, the whole, God -- whatever you want to call it.”

  • Eileen also noticed significant temperature shifts in the room. When she first entered the room the temperature went up 1/2 a degree (which can be expected due to body heat). During the control the temperature went DOWN and then the temperature increased 2.5 degrees during the group tuning which the thermometer noted as well and is considered significant.

  • The BioPhoton Counter came out variable and we wondered if using a crystal instead of a glass of water would have been a better idea

Next Steps Moving Forward:

  • We would like to do more testing & we find it beneficial to conduct experiments in a Faraday Cage where all microwaves and other outside influences are removed

  • Next time we would like to use a crystal instead of a glass of water as we think the structured organization of the atoms of a crystal would hold the hologram better

gas discharge visualization

Overall, it was a fun experiment to perform and resulted in more questions and ideas for better study design in the future! At its root, science is a method of inquiry and we look forward to continue applying it to Biofield Tuning and other energy healing modalities in order to discover and understand more!






Biofield Tuning visits the Integratron


Anechoic Chamber Experiments at Hathaway Research Laboratory