self-inquiry e-book
Hi friends!
I am a life-long learner, a constant student and a seeker of truths - internal and external.
I sit in dialogue with myself, I meditate, I reflect on how I act, what I say, how I make others feel. There is a constant self-inquiry that goes on in my mind.
I created a free Self Inquiry E-Book to help jump start your journey to Self Inquiry and here I thought I would list some prompt questions to inspire threads of thought and streams of consciousness.
Creative questions
Is this emotion mine?
Where do I feel this emotion in my body? What color is it?
I get so _________________ when I__________ / __________ because it reminds me of ___________ and I feel _______________
If I let go of this story, how would I feel?
Do I benefit from this story?
If you’re having trouble making a decision in the moment, is it possible that’s not the moment to make the decision?
If I wasn’t me, how would life or ________ feel and how would situations / circumstances change?
If I wasn’t so ________________ I would be able to _______________ because I ___________
Did that person mean to do that to me? Or were they just meeting their own needs and I was a casualty?
Helpful Questions during Hard & triggered Times
What makes you say / think that?
Can you help me understand why you feel that way?
Do you want advice or for me just to listen?
I am hurt and feeling triggered and I need some space to process.
What exactly triggered this emotional response?"
Is my reaction proportional to the situation?
What past experiences might be contributing to this reaction?
Am I interpreting the situation accurately, or is my perception distorted by past experiences?
What are the underlying emotions I'm feeling right now?
What do I need in this moment to feel safe and supported?
Can I communicate my feelings and needs calmly and assertively?
Am I willing to listen and understand the other person's perspective?
What boundaries do I need to set to protect my emotional well-being?
Is there a healthy way to address this trigger and move forward?
self discovery prompts
What are my values?
What are my strengths and weaknesses?
Do the beliefs I hold, hold me back from exploring further?
Are my actions in alignment with my goals?
What do I think of myself?
How do I contribute to life / relationships etc?
What gives me purpose and meaning?
Am I present in my life?
What is holding me back?
What am I afraid of?
What am I grateful for?
Do I meet my own needs?
How do I express myself?
What do I want to learn next?
Who do I want to become? What steps am I taking to become that person?
You are exactly where you need to be
What you’re feeling is real
All your feelings are valid
If you are too ‘certain’ about the person you are right now you could be destroying the person you’re supposed to be
You can’t consider the end of something when you’ve barely just begun
Whatever is happening to you is a direct result of your internal environment
Times you are afraid is the exact time you can be brave
Your brain is trying to help you survive - not make you happy!
thank you for reading
I hope you enjoyed these questions and got a lot of insight out of them!
I would love to hear from you! Please share your feedback in comments, shares, or likes and let me know what you thought of my Free Self-Inquiry E-Book!
Sending you much love & in gratitude