energetic hygiene
Something feels ‘off’ but I just can’t put my finger on it?
My healing room seems ‘dense?’
How can I stay cleansed from the energies I work with?
How can I keep my clients clean from energy?
I get asked these questions a lot and my answer always is:
it is imperative to instill an energetic hygienic practice into your energy healing practice
& luckily for you there are a bunch of different ways to do this! Regardless if you’re just curious how to keep your living space’s energy clean, or your a client receiving sessions or a practitioner working with people, you’ll find this blog helpful!
What the heck do I mean by Energetic Hygiene?
I’m glad you asked. Just like body hygiene is important, so is energetic hygiene. You’ve probably experienced this before if a person emotionally dumped all their “stuff” on you without your permission, sometimes you walk away feeling ‘icky.’ This is because of an energetic transfer - nothing happened physically - but you can feel that something is off.
If your client is off-gassing a lot of energy:
You’ll know this because of the constant pressure changes in the air around you, temperature fluctuations and need to constantly dragon-breathe.
You can place a bowl of salt water underneath the massage table and set an intention for the wild energy that is flying around to be pulled into the vortex where it will be cleansed, dissolved and disintegrated safely.
Pro tip! Grounding is an absolute essential part of doing healing work. Practice this by going outside and standing barefoot in the grass, in the sand or in the dirt. Feel yourself dropping a line of energy down through your legs out the sols of your feet into the earth, releasing excess energy into the earth, while receiving negative ions from the earth that have good health indicators!
If the session is crazy intense and you feel like you need some ‘divine’ help:
I have found that using an intentional salt circle around the session and St Germain’s Violet Flame ‘inside’ the session can help cleanse whatever is ‘other.’ By ‘other’ I mean:
not your clients
old stuff that is really dense
energy that came ‘before’ your client (literally or cosmically)
If you’re noticing that you leave with what the client brought in:
This means you need to work on grounding your energy and their energy a bit better. Remember as you breathe you are grounding that energy all the way down, out the soles of your feet into the earth to be grounded.
This could also mean you need to clean your hands. Cleaning your hands can look like
washing them with soap and water
spraying them with a alcohol + water + essential oil potion
you can put your hand in the geode of a crystal (without touching the sides) and allow all the focused energy of the crystalline points to cleanse your hands.
remember whatever instrument you work with needs to be cleansed after sessions:
Your pendulum needs to be cleansed, your tuning forks can be cleansed with other forks, smoke, crystals or sounds. If you’re working with bowls, gong or chimes they generally clean each other throughout group sessions.
It is a great idea to have a little ‘cleansing station’ that can look very much like an altar, or a crystal grid that you can place your instruments in for cleansing after sessions.
If your practitioner says they don’t need to clean their crystals this is a red flag.
People / clients / practitioner
Breathing deeply and activating your diaphragm and vagus nerve is so incredibly important. When you breathe shallow the breath stays in the upper chest; this is not where the breath is supposed to stay!
The breath wants to be breathed all the way down to your low belly! Why? Your lungs act as a great bellows to PUMP your diaphragm and STIMULATE your vagus nerve.
Activating the diaphragm and vagus nerve helps:
the nervous system
your chakral system
stress reduction
heart health
mood regulation
& more!
Pro Tip! As a client, practitioner, or living breathing person. Please work on deepening your breath!
seriously, please.
protect your energy:
Keep your energy yours and your client’s energy theirs. I like working with the tuning forks because it provides a soft barrier between us (rather than using my hands) and the vibration on the fork cleanses any energy before it gets to my hand.
You can also create shields, but make sure you’re using elemental energy to do so. Otherwise you’re just taking your energy and putting it outside yourself, which personally doesn’t seem like a good idea due to mass and density.
Perceiving myself as an Alchemist: I use a form of Tonglen meditation in my ‘energetic boundaries’ where I breathe it all in, and ground out the good, learning from the ‘dark,’ and recycling the beauty back into the world.
Living or healing spaces
for overall cleansing your healing space:
You can sage your healing space, you can play “om” in your space while you’re not there (low volume works), you can use a tuning fork or whatever your craft uses to harmonize the space - especially the corners of the room, doors, windows, and mirrors.
Pro Tip! If you forget, you’ll notice your attention being drawn away during sessions and pulled into an area of the room. There is a collection of energy in this area that is creating a vacuum.
energetic hygiene for life:
Make sure you are walking in alignment with your truth. If you’re preaching health and wellness your life should really reflect that. If not there is a discoherence between body and mind that will increase and become apparent over time.
the basics:
Eat well, drink lots of water, salt bath, self care, and journal.
Practice Mindfulness, cultivate compassion toward yourself and your fellow man.
Meditate, reflect and visualize.
nature, nature nature
expert level:
Take care of yourself by setting good boundaries, this is imperative as an energy healer. If you are leaking energy it’s irresponsible to ‘heal’ from an empty cup.
Forgive, yes you, yes. Forgive. Trust me, I didn’t want to either. I wanted to hold onto all that delicious resentment, and then I forgave. There is medicine here.
Be a good person, like really actually good. Not just in public. Karma is real and what goes around comes around, what you do to others will be done to you, what you reap you will eventually sow.
Keep learning: there is no end to what you can learn when you fall down the “sound healing” wormhole. It is vast and endless. You owe it to yourself and your clients.
I hope this blog gave you some extra tips and pointers! If you have any questions or feedback please let me know.
Comment, email, share, like: I would love to hear from you.
Make sure you follow my social medias as I am announcing dates for my FREE 3 Webinar Sound Healing Series next week!
Is Sound Healing Real?
Chakras 101-103
Sound Healing Theory
see you There!
Alternative Health Tools Podcast Interviews Jess
John Biethan is the host of Alternative Health Tools, a Southern California based podcast that shares alternative health tools, tips and resources from complementary, alternative and holistic healthcare practitioners.
John & Jess met at INNER TEMPLE one fateful Tuesday in 2016, bonding over Tuning Forks and the magical healing properties of sound.
The rest is history...