Crystal singing bowls & vibrational Medicine
I have been lucky and infinitely blessed to have played crystal bowls for different audiences throughout California, Arizona, and Puerto Rico.
I discovered Crystal Bowls at the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine Conference in San Diego in 2014. At the time I was working at a Subtle Energy Laboratory in San Diego and was invited to attend the conference. In the corner I saw all these beautiful and mystical crystal bowls set up and on a break I sat down and played. I was immediately entranced and transfixed by the sounds and tones coming out of them. I felt that the sound was not only playing around me and singing sweetly to my ears, but I physically was feeling the sound waves traveling and dancing through my body. I felt like I was on an inner journey throughout the time that I played, time seemed to dissolve and I felt, as the shaman’s say, outside of time. The picture below is actually the exact moment I fell in love with them. Thank you to Amelia for capturing.
At the time I was studying under Eileen Day McKusick and loving my deep dive into the science of sound and all the magic the world of vibration had to offer. It made so much sense to me as I was already an energy healer, so I understood intention and non-localized healing. I had a scientific background and understood the body and it’s different systems, it’s structure and it’s function. I had studied subtle energy in a clinical setting through the thermosphere - specializing in the infrared heat the body emits. I was currently studying subtle energy in a laboratory setting - in a Faraday cage or copper shielded room that blocked out all electromagnetic waves. The Master’s Program that I had started specialized in Human Consciousness. All the roads were leading me to “Rome” whereas “Rome” was this understanding of this foundational origin place of sound waves / wave forms and vibration.
We all remember in science class ~ 3rd grade where we’re taught everything in this whole universe is vibration, including us, our parents, space, even the chair we’re sitting on, and then we glossed over that and starting learning about something else.
But what if waveforms and vibration is actually everything? and in the study of vibration we can come to understand (perhaps not everything) but a lot more things than we do now with our rigid cosmology or view of the world and how it works?
In Traditional Chinese Medicine they believe that illness occurs when there is a blockage or stagnation of a meridian (or channel of energy). Using Acupuncture and herbs they can help loosen this blockage to create flow, and thus health.
If you think about it - a truth we can all agree on it: MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE. If you are sluggish vs active = you might be feeling sickish vs healthy. If your body is stagnant vs in flow = you may feel sickish vs healthy. Mixing East & West theories: if your veins, meridians, arteries, or nadi’s are slow or lagging - this can cause physical, emotional or mental health issues. Another example is - when you are in flow state, how easy everything comes to you - it’s almost like you are aligned with the universe and the universe sees that and conspires on your behalf.
Following this rabbit hole even deeper, there’s an underlying idea of movement, waveforms, or vibration and it’s relationship to harmony. If you are vibrating lower than your equilibrium you may feel low, sad, depressed, sick, unable to get out of bed etc; if you are vibrating higher than your equilibrium you may feel anxious, overwhelmed, hypervigilant, easily irritated, angered, etc. When you are operating at your equilibrium or homeostasis - defined by google as ‘a self-regulating process by which a living organism can maintain internal stability while adjusting to changing external conditions’ you feel calm, steady, secure, adaptable, flexible. This relationship between waveform / vibration - which is everything - and the balance or harmony of that waveform / vibration - which influences how we respond to everything, is paramount.
Using Crystal Bowls, Tuning Forks, Drums, Koshi Chimes, Tibetan Bowls, etc we are activating vibration with vibration. We are following the Universal Instruction. The Playing Book, if you will. Something that always troubled the back of my brain was what if “…in the beginning was the word,” is a mistranslation from “…in the beginning there was sound.”
All of our ancient cultures did sound healing with the different instruments they made based on their geography. What if they were on to something? If you’ve ever participated in a Crystal Singing Bowl or Sound Healing event in general you know what I’m talking about. The energy, tones, frequencies and harmonies that come out of these are ingrained with healing energy, inspirited with power and deeply-rooted in ancestral wisdom.
If you haven’t attended some sort of Sound Healing event - whether it’s with bowls, voice, gongs etc I highly recommend it. If you have - with me or anyone else - I’d love to hear about your experience!
Personal Note: My intention with sharing my life through social media has always been complete transparency and authenticity. I have always wanted to share exactly who I am, but in doing so I have found my social medias are primarily travel & fun and don’t really focus on what I do at all. My healing work is my life’s mission and it is wholly sacred to me, and perhaps I have felt that promoting it on social media’s feels boastful or prideful; and therefore against what I stand for as healing is generally private. I have decided to share this truth / vulnerability here, with you now, to help myself overcome this obstacle.
I am (apprehensively) happy to announce I have finally made a new life’s-work-related, sound healing-devoted instagram that focuses less on my travels and fun and more on my life’s work and sacred mission. I’ll be posting my blogs / events / excursions and availability here <3
Please give me a follow on ig: @wellnesswanderer_jess
Nassim Haramein Interview Feat. in TLC Magazine
My friends Amelia Hall & Josh Kreithen & I were lucky enough to interview Quantum Physicst, Nassim Haramein, last year at the Conscious Life Expo in LA. The following article was published on in5d's website as well as in The Life Connection Magazine for February 2017.
Physicist Nassim Haramein is a pioneer in quantum mechanics, unified field theory and energy research. He has dedicated his life to the investigation and the deep study of physics, sacred geometry, chemistry, biology, archeology and mathematics. Nassim leads the Resonance Project and directs and leads a team of physicists, electrical engineers, mathematicians and scientists with the purpose of exploring and advancing developments in quantum energy, life science and consciousness. Nassim currently resides in Encinitas California. This interview was conducted at the Los Angeles Hilton at the Conscious Life Expo in February 2016.
homies :)
Question: You explain the brain as a receiver of different vibrational frequencies. Where do you think the signal originates?
Nassim: From a field of information that is present at the quantum level. This is on a very fine scale. Way below the atomic structure there is a field called the Planck Field, or the Planck oscillators. They are very small. Protons are already really small. So you are made out of a hundred trillion cells. There are a hundred trillion atoms approximately per cell. Atoms are really small. Imagine that protons are like a head of a pin on the dome of the Vatican. Then the dome is like the electron cloud of an atom. So a proton is really small. And realize that the Planck grains are making up the structure of space. So if the Planck would be the size of a grain of sand, then the proton would be a diameter from here to Alpha-Centari… which is about 40 trillion kilometers away. So the Planck is way teeny. It is the smallest proton of light, the smallest electromagnetic field that can exist. It is the portal of the fabric of space. And think the portal as a portal of information of all things being present in this field. Just like the electromagnetic waves carry information, that you can put up a radio set, tune the crystals to the right frequency and all of a sudden you can hear the music come out. It’s the same thing. The band that is making the music is not in the radio. The brain and nervous system is tapping into this field of information, which is a result of all other things radiating into it. So there is an exchange of information between everything and you that is occurring.
Question: Would you call this field the Collective Consciousness or the Akashic Record?
Nassim: Yes, you could call it that. Like if you wanted to use ancient civilization description. Many of them describe this field. They call is Prana or Chi. All sorts of different names.
Question: How do you think all the enlightened pre-technology ancient cultures discovered the same exact system of sacred geometry and Universal design? Do you think they were given this information by external sources such as extra-terrestrials? Or is the coded in our DNA? Or perhaps they learned how to tune into that knowledge through altered states of consciousness.
Nassim: I think it is all three of those. You find this across all the different cultures. If you put them together, they describe something very significant. The structure of space, the spin of space, and all this stuff like yin-yang. Basically it is describing this unified field. And if you look at their cultures describing these things, none of them say we came up with this. They all say we got this from the Sun God, or something that came from a star system in floating boats. Light beings. But at the same time, since we are made out of this stuff, it would naturally arise within us as well. So they recognized as something very fundamental. Very important… that is why they propagated it throughout the ages. So it will reach us. Right? And at the same time. Most likely, people had altered states of consciousness at time. And there are so many reports of those altered states of consciousness, by taking certain plants, medicinal compounds, and so forth. Seeing the geometry, seeing the dynamics, you know and so on. I think it is all about consciousness.
Question: So what do you think is happening at a neurobiological level?
Nassim: This field of information is a result of all things interacting in this space. Meaning all things radiating the information in the field. And how things absorb information. It’s a continuous feedback of information. It doesn’t have an origin. There is no beginning and end.
Question: You mention the black hole. Is it the electron that is going in and out?
Nassim: It is the photons. The electron is the charge that the black hole is producing. The proton is the black hole and the charge it produces is the electron. We actually just found last week a solution for the electron that is extremely exact. Like 99.9999997% exact and it is remarkable. And it is based on the exact same solution of the proton. And it predicts the …electron cloud. So now I have got the whole thing. I am really excited about this. So the information is the Planck field, the Planck photons, are the smallest units. Each bit of information is going through that cycle.
Question: Is it that it is the same exact structure that goes in that is also coming out? Or is the photon going somewhere else in the Universe?
Nassim: The bit that crosses the event horizon can be anywhere in the universe. All the volumes are shared through the wormhole structures. Just like a neural network. All of a sudden, the information becomes available for everyone else. It might come out at the same place, or somewhere else in the Universe. It doesn’t matter, because when it comes back out, it is changed like the rest of them. It experienced the outside. And it is changed by the outside. Then it goes back in and it’s changed by the entire Universe. It is a constant evolution.
Question: So in the atomic model, the center is a black hole. My first question has to do with the proton. In essence… is the proton the center of the black hole?
Nassim: The proton is the black hole.
Question: So, what if there is more than one proton? Such as oxygen with 16 protons.
Nassim: So then there are 16 black holes, orbiting each other. This is why if you get too many of them in there, they become unstable. They start radiating and now you have nuclei decay. The protons themselves don’t decay, at all. We have never seen a proton decay, ever in 13.7 billion years. There has been no proton decay, so that is pretty good!
Question: What do you think prevents one proton’s black hole sucking in the other proton‘s black hole? The energy is so strong. What is the force that stabilizes the protons from swallowing one another?
Nassim: Try centripetal force. Geo-scopic effects. Remember, they are spinning. And they are spinning fast. So those centripetal forces, and the Coriolis effect, such a strong angular momentum, will keep everything in orbit. Unless it’s got the wrong number and it doesn’t want it. Then radiation will happen until it finds the right relationship. So that is why heavy nucleons start to radiate radioactive energy. And emit electromagnetic wavelengths. The same thing in the solar system and Universe.
Question: If you look at the atomic model, and the galaxy, with a black hole in the center of each system… is there another scale up?
Nassim: Right. There are hundreds of galaxies with black holes in the middle. And there are super clusters that have black holes in the middle of them.
Question: So that also exists on another whole level and scale?
Nassim: Exactly. That is correct. There are black holes all the way up and all the way down. Absolutely. That is what I have found. The Planck obeys the condition of a black hole too. The little Planck is a teeny black hole. If you take the mass of our Universe and you put it in the radius of the Universe we see today, it obeys the exact condition of a black hole. It is not a coincidence. They call it a coincidence in standard physics, but it’s not.
Question: So is there an ultimate coincidence that all of this stuff happened on accident? Was it just random? Or was it designed? It’s so intricate that it seems it was designed by something.
Nassim: Well, you are going back to wanting a beginning and an end. And I don’t think that actually exists. All we have seen in the Universe at any time is just change of state. I have not seen anything end, or begin. We just have a change of state. Actually today there are articles that came out from studies that are being done in quantum physics where they describe the space as a fluid of Planck’s. They solved some of the equations now showing there was no Big Bang… there was no beginning! It has always been there. You know, it is an infinite continuous feedback of information. It is hard for us, because we think, “we were born and then we die”, and that’s why we have this idea of there being a beginning and an end. That might not be a universal concept. That is just a human concept. The beginning of your life, and the end of our life, doesn’t show anything new happening… just a change of state. Meaning, like when you die, all the atoms you are made of are just recycled. Just goes to another state.
Question: And so do you believe in reincarnation?
Nassim: Absolutely. Yes, I see no reason why information would be lost. Physics says no information can be lost. So, I don’t see why the information of who you are, that is in Plank field, would go anywhere. It would probably seek another residence. A condition it can regain a body to continue to explore. So, yes, I have no problem with reincarnation and concept of Akashic Record. And so on. Basically it is the physics of the Universe….