I can see your halo
In this Drunvalo Melchizedek- inspired halo activation we will activate different points around the head to increase the harmony between left and right side hemispheres, the different lobes of the brain, the pituitary gland and the light-sensitive pineal gland, the unicorn point (my favorite as you know), and the Alta Major Chakra also known as the "mouth of God" or what Eileen calls her "mail slot."
We will then finely comb out the health rays or as I like to call them - energetic antennae - to re-fortify and strengthen - increasing harmony and balance and an overall sense of wellness and alignment throughout your system. This will also help shift how you perceive and interact with your external environment. This session can decrease the static, noise and crowded thoughts around/inside your head. This session is perfect if you're feeling overwhelmed and burdened by work deadlines, family commitments, nonstop talking in your head that leans to the negative side of things. This session will help give you an increased sense of clarity and inner harmony.
Because this is a session that is intensely focused around your head, please do not listen to while driving or if you have something important to do right afterwards. This can be an important meeting, presentation or perhaps even a long drive. Follow your intuition with this session. It will be here waiting for you when you are ready.
In this Drunvalo Melchizedek- inspired halo activation we will activate different points around the head to increase the harmony between left and right side hemispheres, the different lobes of the brain, the pituitary gland and the light-sensitive pineal gland, the unicorn point (my favorite as you know), and the Alta Major Chakra also known as the "mouth of God" or what Eileen calls her "mail slot."
We will then finely comb out the health rays or as I like to call them - energetic antennae - to re-fortify and strengthen - increasing harmony and balance and an overall sense of wellness and alignment throughout your system. This will also help shift how you perceive and interact with your external environment. This session can decrease the static, noise and crowded thoughts around/inside your head. This session is perfect if you're feeling overwhelmed and burdened by work deadlines, family commitments, nonstop talking in your head that leans to the negative side of things. This session will help give you an increased sense of clarity and inner harmony.
Because this is a session that is intensely focused around your head, please do not listen to while driving or if you have something important to do right afterwards. This can be an important meeting, presentation or perhaps even a long drive. Follow your intuition with this session. It will be here waiting for you when you are ready.
In this Drunvalo Melchizedek- inspired halo activation we will activate different points around the head to increase the harmony between left and right side hemispheres, the different lobes of the brain, the pituitary gland and the light-sensitive pineal gland, the unicorn point (my favorite as you know), and the Alta Major Chakra also known as the "mouth of God" or what Eileen calls her "mail slot."
We will then finely comb out the health rays or as I like to call them - energetic antennae - to re-fortify and strengthen - increasing harmony and balance and an overall sense of wellness and alignment throughout your system. This will also help shift how you perceive and interact with your external environment. This session can decrease the static, noise and crowded thoughts around/inside your head. This session is perfect if you're feeling overwhelmed and burdened by work deadlines, family commitments, nonstop talking in your head that leans to the negative side of things. This session will help give you an increased sense of clarity and inner harmony.
Because this is a session that is intensely focused around your head, please do not listen to while driving or if you have something important to do right afterwards. This can be an important meeting, presentation or perhaps even a long drive. Follow your intuition with this session. It will be here waiting for you when you are ready.