
I am a global citizen, but my roots initially grew in Michigan near the Great Lakes; I was lucky to have a great big backyard and a wild imagination. My brother and I grew up building forts and climbing trees, we spent summers running wild through the forest and catching fireflies and looking for snakes and frogs. This initial love of nature began to transform into an insatiable need to travel as I got older. Growing up near the Great Lakes allowed my mind to expand across the water, knowing there was a different country on the other side drew my attention and called to my soul.

My mom always said as a child I wanted more, and she was right. I’ve always known I’ve wanted to live a big and fulfilling life spread out to all corners of the earth. I want to hike every mountain, visit every sacred place and re-discover where I have walked before, as different people, during different times.

When I wander, I imagine I am collecting parts of myself I have left all over the world for this version of myself to find. I am always re-discovering truths, studying ancient tradition, expanding my ‘framily’ and learning as much as I can.


Since childhood I have used divination tools like astrology, numerology, the I Ching and Tarot. I have always tried to understand myself deeper in the hopes that if I can understand myself, I can make more sense out of my life and help others make sense out of theirs, akin to the process of alchemy.

When I was clinically and dangerously depressed in high school, my depression was borne from not understanding my purpose, why we’re all here, and what it all means. At the time, it all seemed pointless and without meaning. This all changed a few years later when I saw the quantum physics youtube video on the double slit experiment - where it showed a particle decide whether it wanted to remain a particle or change into a waveform, simply by being observed. Quantum physics combined with plant medicines vastly expanded my vision and widened my scope of understanding.

I had always understood subtle energy metaphysically, but quantum physics helped me (start) to understand subtle energy scientifically. I began to understand that we are not the thoughts in our head, we are the observer of the thinker of the thoughts. After I read Biology of Belief I realized that nothing that happens to us health-wise is a death sentence and so when I had a health crisis at 20 I was able to heal myself by integrating physical, emotional and spiritual components.

I stumbled upon a hard ancient truth; we create our reality. Hindsight is 2020 and looking back at my life I know why everything had to happen they way it did - to make me who I am now. I know that everything that has happened to me, happened on purpose so that I could be a guide to others. I believe that everything in life is a mirror, and what you put out in the world is what the world responds with.

As a biological organism, I am always emitting a particular vibration. As a shaman, I am working with all kingdoms throughout all dimensions. As a medicine woman, I am guiding people back to wellness, back to wholeness and back to balance. As a storyteller, I am rewriting mine. As a tuner, I am guiding people back home to themselves.


As a teacher, I know that I am a forever student and I do my best to learn from everything and everyone around me.

In 2009 I received my Bachelor’s degree in Health Sciences, while double minoring in Sociology and Biology with a theme in Death & Dying; as the transitions that we go through in life seemed sacred. I studied under my Naturopathic Doctor in 2010 and started presenting on Women’s Health across the US. When I moved to California in 2014 I studied with the Gerson Institute and began my Master’s degree at the California Institute for Human Sciences. I consulted with different brands on how to expand their companies by including alternative health therapies, and I became a regular speaker and Vice President of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce.

I have been an alternative health educator and practicing energy healer since 2010. I have lead Women’s Health Seminars across the US since 2010. I have lead Full and New Moon Nights, Group Meditation Nights, Group Sound & Energy Healing since 2015 in Michigan, Florida, California, Arizona, South Africa, Costa Rica and Puerto Rico. I am a teacher of teachers and have been invited to speak at the California Institute for Human Science (‘15), the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (‘16) and Quantum University (‘17) and has been an invited guest speaker to Energy Conferences since then.

During my time in California I performed research in laboratory and clinical settings using subtle energy measuring devices such as: Kirlian Photography (GDV and Biowell systems), Infiniti Biofeedback system, Thermography systems, Apparatus for Meridian Identification (AMI), and Biophoton Counters inside a Faraday cage.

I am certified in Yoga, Reiki, Advanced Pranic Healing and Pranic Psychotherapy. I am certified in Crystal Healing, and Psychic Self Defense and Advanced Biofield Tuning. The creator of Biofield Tuning, Eileen Day McKusick, asked me to become one of the first teachers of Biofield Tuning. A year or two later I became the International Biofield Tuning Teacher due to my vast knowledge of energy healing and years of experience teaching alternative healing modalities. I have taught sound healing all over the world, from Toronto to Tulum, and Ireland to India.

I continuously attend as many classes, seminars and weekend intensives as I can and in 2023 I graduated from the BioCybernaut Institute and the Hoffman Process - two massively intense 7 day workshops. Read about it here.

At 36 years old I have had three successful careers, as Thermographer and Trainer, as an Alternative Health Educator and Subtle Energy Researcher and Educator, and as an Energy and Sound Healer + Facilitator. I have had a private practice since 2016 and I see clients all around the world. Click here to see what they have to say about my sessions.

I released the culmination of my life’s work - The Wildish Wolfish Way in early 2024 - which is an invitation to unlearn, unwind, relearn and become. Learn more about it here.

I want to do as much as I can for as long as I can.