Embark on a Transformative Journey of Self-Discovery and Empowerment

The Wildish Wolfish is a Masterclass on Illumination, here we re-discover our truth and explore the the magic that has always been inside, as well as in the world around us. Our journey focuses on self awareness and personal growth through self reflection, meditation and visualization; we will dive deeply into energy and sound healing, ultimately unlocking the power within.

The Wildish Wolfish Way: A Masterclass on Illumination


The Journey Begins

Join us in exploring the transformative power of self awareness, manifestation, energy and sound healing, and personal growth, and take the first step towards a life of purpose and joy.

Find Your Path

Our masterclass will help you delve deep into yourself and discover the stories that keep you stuck, and the stories that make you unique, leading you to the path of self-discovery and empowerment.

Embrace Your Inner Magic

Unlock the power within yourself and the world around you, and let the magic of gratitude, mindfulness and body awareness to guide you to a life of fulfillment and joy.

Illuminate Your Way

Learn how to harness the transformative power of illumination, intention, embodiment and intuition to create a life of purpose and joy that is uniquely yours.


what to expect

Join me on this transformative journey discovering our Wildish Wolfish Way; this a masterclass dedicated to the exploration of self-discovery and inner illumination. Over the course of five weeks, we will delve into the intricacies of mindfulness, meditation, visualization, and sound healing, unlocking the secrets to understanding ourselves and our place in the world.

Our sessions, spanning 1.5 hours each, will serve as dedicated time to navigate the depths of our inner realms, allowing us to better navigate and comprehend the complexities of our outer realms. Through carefully curated Illuminations, I will guide you in real-time practice of techniques honed over years of dedicated training. Together, we will engage in profoundly deep meditations and visualizations designed to unlock your inner potential and foster personal growth.

The journey extends beyond our individual experiences, as we come together in sharing circles to discuss the profound insights and epiphanies uncovered during our explorations. This collaborative environment creates a supportive community, fostering connections with like-minded individuals on a similar quest for self-discovery.

Anticipate an engaging and enjoyable learning experience, complete with weekly homework assignments that promise both enjoyment and enlightenment. As part of your journey, a class project will provide an opportunity for hands-on application and integration of the techniques learned throughout the course.

To ensure your continued growth and understanding, each participant will be offered a complimentary session with me upon completion of the masterclass. This post-class session serves as a personalized space for reflection and integration, allowing you to weave the threads of wisdom gathered over the five weeks into the fabric of your daily life.

The Wildish Wolfish Way isn't just a class; it's an odyssey into the realms of self-awareness, empowerment, and personal transformation. Join me on this expedition, and let's illuminate the path to your truest self together.

Welcoming Ceremony: Gather

Step into a world of wonder as we gather together with like-minded individuals to create an atmosphere of warmth, safety, and support. Join us for a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment where we will learn to embrace the wildish and wolfish aspects of our being.

Together, we will embark on a journey of inner exploration and create a sacred space through an embodied awareness meditation. Allow yourself to connect with the elementals and find your place within the natural world. Discover the magic within as you tap into the limitless potential of your soul.

Join us for this immersive experience where you will connect with your innermost self and create lifelong bonds with fellow seekers. Together, we will unlock the secrets of the universe and discover what it truly means to be alive.

Connection: Who are you?

Connect to yourself, your stories, your creativity. Take a moment to reflect on your past experiences, your hopes, and your dreams. Connect with the parts of yourself that you may have neglected or forgotten about. What brings you joy? What makes you feel alive? What are the stories that have shaped you?

By connecting with yourself, you can tap into your creativity and unlock new possibilities. Your stories, experiences, and emotions can inspire you to create something unique and authentic. Take the time to explore your inner world and see what emerges. You may be surprised at what you find!

Exploration of Energy and Sound Healing and Personal Growth


our adventure will take us

Step 1: Self-Discovery

  • Learn how to unleash your inner-most desires and create a roadmap to achieve your goals

Step 2: Identify Patterns and Blockages

  • Discover patterns and blockages that impede your progress and learn how to overcome them through mindfulness and self reflection.

Step 3: Embrace Mindful Communication

  • Recognize the impact of words and thoughts, and master the art of mindful communication to invite positivity and abundance to your life.

Step 4: Cultivate Resilience Through Self-Compassion

  • Uncover the healing power of self-love as you cultivate resilience, allowing you to bounce back from setbacks and adversity with grace.

Step 5: Ignite Creative Expression for Authentic Living

  • Unleash your unique creative potential as a means of self-discovery and personal empowerment.

what you will gain

Wander with us on a journey of self-discovery with The Wildish Wolfish Way and unlock a treasure trove of benefits that extend far beyond the confines of our six-week masterclass. Here's what you can expect to gain:

  1. Illumination through Education:

    • Acquire profound insights through an educational approach that goes beyond theory, providing practical wisdom for immediate application in your life.

  2. Transformation of Patterns and Past Hurts:

    • Equip yourself with the tools necessary to release and let go of limiting patterns, past grievances, and the protective mechanisms that may have stemmed from challenging circumstances.

  3. Embodiment Practices & Techniques:

    • Immerse yourself in embodiment practices that connect mind, body, and spirit, fostering a holistic approach to self-awareness and personal growth.

  4. Profoundly Deep Meditations and Visualizations:

    • Experience a spectrum of transformative meditations and visualizations, including journeys to connect with your Inner Child, mindfulness practices, meetings with your Guides, growing your Wings, exploration of chakras, and more.

  5. Connecting to Your Deepest Self:

    • Learn techniques to establish a profound connection with your innermost self, facilitating the exploration and expression of your highest potential.

  6. Energy & Sound Healing Exploration:

    • Dive into the world of energy and sound healing, discovering methods to balance and harmonize your energy centers for holistic well-being.

  7. Personal Growth and Liberation:

    • Unleash personal growth and liberation as you navigate the transformative process, empowering yourself to break free from limitations and unlock the dormant power within.

  8. Setting Yourself Free:

    • Attain the freedom to transcend self-imposed limitations, allowing you to navigate life with a newfound sense of empowerment and authenticity.

  9. Free 1:1 Session for Integration:

    • Enjoy a complimentary one-on-one session with me after the class concludes, providing a personalized space for reflection, integration, and guidance as you apply the teachings to your unique life journey.

  10. And Much, Much More:

    • Anticipate a wealth of additional insights, techniques, and practices that extend beyond the listed benefits, creating a comprehensive and multifaceted toolkit for ongoing self-discovery and personal transformation.

The Wildish Wolfish Way is more than a masterclass; it's an opportunity to embark on a profound odyssey towards self-realization, empowerment, and a life aligned with your truest self. Join us and unlock the extraordinary potential that resides within you.



Unlocking the Magic Within

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and unlock the magic within through the transformative power of embodiment, shadow work and working with your Inner Child. Join us as we explore the depths of our being and discover the limitless potential of our souls.

Through The Wildish Wolfish Way, we will learn to embrace the wildish and wolfish aspects of our being. Together, we will create a safe and supportive space where we can connect with like-minded individuals and find our place within the natural world.

In this immersive experience, we will embark on a journey of inner exploration and create a sacred space through an embodied awareness meditation. Allow yourself to connect with the elementals and discover the magic within as you tap into the limitless potential of your soul.

We will learn to access the ancient wisdom of our ancestors and the spirits of the natural world. We will uncover the stories and archetypes that shape our lives and learn to work with the energy and sound healing to facilitate personal growth and transformation.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of the universe and discover what it truly means to be alive. Through the magic of self-actualization, we will create a life of purpose, fulfillment, and joy. Together, we will awaken the wildish and wolfish spirit within and step into our power as healers, leaders, and creators.

Creating a Life of Purpose, Fulfillment, and Joy

Find Your Bliss

Discover the simple secrets to finding your bliss and living a life filled with purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.


Explore the transformative power of self-love and learn to prioritize it, engaging in self-care practices to unlock your expansiveness.

Embark on a Journey

Life is a journey and not a destination. Embark on one of self-discovery and empowerment and create the life you’ve always dreamed of.